Expressions-In Sync

What Papa bear told baby bear???

(Guys - I am starting a new section- For the little readers I have. Starting today, I will have one article for kids below 8 years every week)

…………Quaxy was all of 7 months. He felt like a small snail in his father’s hands and when they went to Uncle Rex’s studio to take a perfect picture, he felt even smaller in the backdrop of his father’s belly!!!

Quaxy was like any other little bear that was fast growing up to be one!!! His group of friends included Sue (the lady grasshopper), Ryan (a Chihuahua) and Maffer (a white rat). Ironically all of his 3 friends were beauty pageant winners. They were at constant awe at Quaxy’s pace of growth and he was starting to feel like the leader of his group for he was larger than most others his age and his father was the most admired fisherman in his village.

Quaxy did not like Patty (the 9 month old giraffe), Jenny (the 6 month old Rhino) and Stewie (the 5 month old donkey). Patty was taller than Quaxy and always won Miss. Williams’ (his teacher at school with long whiskers) prize for the fastest to pluck a basket full of mangoes. Jenny was larger and hence Quaxy did not like her either. Stewie was their best friend; always lazy and slow and so Quaxy did not like his company either.

As the rains hit upon the city, it was time for the annual festival at Loaha village. Everyone had gathered for the annual sports and cultural meet. Quaxy’s father was the star attraction for he was a master at Karate, a specialist in archery and a legend in fishing. While “Papa Bear” won all that was expected of him, Little Quaxy was doing what even his father had not done before- win the most prestigious village games of cycling and swimming for kids. Never before had someone outside of the Xin Xing (Chinese cuttlefish) family won the swimming competition. Papa bear was all excited to know what his little son had achieved and rushed to congratulate his son. But, Quaxy was all tears for no one clapped at his achievements while a village gathered together to celebrate his father’s achievements. Quaxy was in tears. Papa Bear took him to the side and said,” Quaxy you are a winner!!! Like every child here, you are also a winner. Some are good at studies, while others are good at arts, sports and so on. Greatness is not a function of what you are born with but with what you grow into. So, don’t be proud of your size which has nothing to do with you, but be happy, proud and humble about the special abilities you have.” Papa Bear went on to add, “A successful bear is one who befriends everyone and not one who belittles the others…”

Quaxy went home and sat by the tree side on top of Russell’s mountain point. Sue, Ryan and Maffer came in search of Quaxy. All panting and tired, they told Quaxy to cheer up and not to feel bad. They wanted Quaxy to join them in their game of finding the nearest honey comb where they can have some honey. Quaxy had a glow in his eyes and he ran in search of honey from tree to tree and his friends followed him. The evening was full of joy and laughter as the four friends ran around Russell’s’ point in search of honey!!! As the night drew closer and little Quaxy hit the bed, all he could think of was the evening with his friends. He was left wondering, “I never won any competition at who is quicker to the honey. In fact Sue found the honey comb first, but neither did she care nor did anyone notice. We all had a great time together!!!” With this thought, he slept off…

He opened his eyes next day, only to see his Papa Dear’s face straight on. Papa Dear said, “Quaxy - Today, I am going to take you to the market. Quaxy’s eyes got larger and rounder. He looked up at his father’s face that was saving him from the sun’s rays and jumped on to his arms. Quaxy was excited and requested his father if he could bring his friends along. His father gave him a wide happy grin to bring ‘em along as well.

So, the 5 of them drove down to the market which was 2 villages and a lake ride away. Uncle Rex’s car was an old black mustang that refused to move beyond 100 meters without coughing, smoking and grinding to a halt. Little Quaxy finally reached the market after crossing 2 villages and a beautiful lake with the help of a ferry that took Quaxy, his three little friends, Papa Bear and Uncle Rex’s car across the lake to the shore.

Quaxy’s father had told him that markets are generally abuzz with vendors and shop-keepers luring those who come to buy. Little Quaxy and his friends were anxious and waiting with abated breath to witness the spectacle that awaited them. But when they reached the place, all they could hear was silence and all they could see was closed shops and a place that resembled Uncle Peter’s wine yard. There was pin-drop silence. Papa Bear was scratching his head and wondered if the market was on a holiday today. He told the 4 of them to wait while he went inside the market and checked.

10 minutes passed, 20 minutes passed and there was no trace of Papa Bear. Suddenly Quaxy heard a huge noise, a trail of white line in the sky and his father came falling down with a thud on to the ground. Quaxy was shattered. His father muttered to the four of them to run away as the market had been taken over by a group of bears who had run away from the police station. Quaxy helped his father to the ferry. Ryan, Maffer and Sue ran from the spot like there was no tomorrow. As the ferry was about to start, Quaxy thought for a while and then jumped on to the shore and said,” I will stay back while you bring the police here. Maffer, you rush through the ground to call people from the village. Sue - you call the police, while Ryan can drive Papa Bear to the hospital.” Before they could react, Quaxy ran away towards the market. He slowly went inside the market. He knew he had to spend about 30 minutes’ time with the group of bears. That should be good enough for the police to arrive. He also knew that there is no way he can fight them on physical might for 30 minutes. So, he rushed in and shouted at the raging group of bears, “Hey!!! Listen I have come here with a proposition. I have been given the rights to talk to you on behalf of the village. We are ready to hand-over the village to you if you can beat me one by one in a game of cycling. The bears started roaring louder and pounding their chests with disdain at the proposal. Sharka the leader broke out into laughter at what a spineless village this was. They are ready to leave the future of this village in the hands of a 7-month old bear. He looked at his partner in crime- Swerka and commanded him to race Quaxy. One-by-one all the four bears lost and it was upto Sharka to defeat little Quaxy. Quaxy was leading until a fuming Sharka threw a knife at the Quaxy’s wheels, only for Quaxy to fall down with a huge thud. Sharka grabbed Quaxy by the neck and shouted, “You little fella tricked us and I am gonna hurt you for that.” Patty, Jennie and Stewie rushed into the spot with Maffer. They ran towards Sharka, threw powder on his face and eyes and pulled little Quaxy on the back of Stewie to a room nearby and shut the door. The 5-bear army was howling and roaring outside the room, pounding on the door which was letting away with every passing moment. Suddenly, the place went silent and there was nothing that Quaxy, Maffer and his new found friends could hear. Maffer slowly peeped through the rat hole and to his joy he saw Inspector Ronald with his stick looking outside the make shift car-cage in which the bad guys were jailed in.

Maffer squeaked in joy. Patty, Jennie and Stewie came out of the room with Quaxy on Stewie’s back. The whole village was there and they were clapping and shouting the name of Quaxy the saviour!!! Papa bear was proud of his son’s bravery and went up to him. Little Quaxy cuddled his father, looked up at him and Stewie with a tired face marked by the glow in his eyes said, “Like every child here, I am also a winner. Some are good at cycling (like me), while others are good at carrying luggage (like Stewie). A successful bear is one who befriends everyone and not one who belittles the others…”

Am I right daddy???


Krithika Chandrashekar said...

So adorable! M sure the kids are gonna love it! I loved it myself :P

Angeline Jey Harin{AngelVana} said...

'Greatness is not a function of what you are born with but with what you grow into.' beautiful wrds...absolutely lovely story..i never knew u were a born author chuboo :) really an ardent fan of ur blog now :)

Rohit Nambiar said...

he he he... thanks Vanna kutty!!!!
Guess i am going through a process of re-discovery as well

Rohit Nambiar

Rohit Nambiar
My Blog is termed "Expressions-In Sync" and is aimed at providing readers with information, insight and fun on topics ranging from Economics to Insurance, Politics to Social issues and from kiddie stories to sports!

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