Expressions-In Sync

Simply the best Indian Group I have seen on stage.......

For a music buff like me, surprises are a every day thing!!! I cant sing for nuts but I just love to listen to a new tune or a new rendition style whatever time of the day it is....

But, what transpired on a lazy Saturday Morning was completely un-expected. A little known band- Swarathma ( was performing during the Twestival organized by some free-spirited tweeters who got offline to put up some show!!!

From the moment they went on stage to the moment they went off it rather unwillingly (as both the band and the audience wanted more of it), they were simply fantabulous. Their ability to get the crowd into the show is worth writing home about. The attention to detail that they had right from the costumes they wore to the instruments they carried on stage was synonymous of a professional band who took their work very seriously and treated audiences as customers who desire innovation even in the way music is presented.

Their instruments like the guitar and violins had so much colour to them quite literally. Add to that the backing vocalist and bass guitarist Jishnu who had this un-ending passion and life about him on stage. His rendition of how a Bihari talks and introduction to each song really got the crowd involved in every song. The more said about its lead vocalist- Vasu the lesser it feels. He was a bundle of energy and was constantly jumping around while singing. (No guys he was not lip syncing!!!) He is not your usual singer and am sure with time he will create his own niche for his style of singing.

They tried new instruments from the khomo to various percussion instruments. Sanjeev on the violin and Varun on the Guitar make for a great team on stage. But, the real live wire was Montry on the Drums. He was constantly smiling, jumping with energy and enjoying himself while wielding magic with his sticks!!! A lot of us were discussing how its fun to be seeing someone going about doing what he is best at and enjoys doing!!!

Having seen family and friends with their own tryst with music at various levels, I can understand the difficulty in putting together a band and keeping like-minded people together. And one can only wish them the best in times to come!!! You have definitely made 10 odd new fans on that Saturday morning. For all of us in the group were out cold and really did not know what hit us!!!

Their first album has been released recently. I have got myself a copy and its gonna run till the CD player in my car refuses to do so!!! My favourites are:

1. Jana Kahan Hai- Nice folky number
2. Ee Bhoomi- Awesome lyrics and a real feel good song
3. Pyaasi- A neat slow song thats quite a treat for the ears.

But, the 2 songs that they played at the show (unreleased)- Tibet (Amazing fusion of various sounds and instruments) and Toppi Wale (A live wire song) is what I am waiting for on a CD. They sound really different and great.

In the past I have been to many a live shows and have felt disappointed at the gulf of difference between the CD version and the live show. Very few bands can claim to have bridged this gap effectively and Swarathma in my words sure have mastered this art of both sounding and looking great on stage!!!

They are playing on Saturday at 7:00 pm at Garuda Mall in Bangalore. Do go and watch them. Unfortunately God (Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar) will be on TV that day and hence I cant join you. But, I am sure you will thank me for the treat....


Rohit Nambiar said...

Mail from Swarathma

Dear Rohit

You've totally floored us with your heartfelt review - truly, you made our day! It is folks like you who keep us going, let us be honest!

We understand that God will keep you away from our show, but do stay in touch for we shall be playing for you very soon, hopefully.

If it is alright with you, we'd like to put the review up on our blogs, fb etc.

Many thanks once more!



blue sunride said...

Well-written...captured their Kyra performance :) All the best!!

Rohit Nambiar said...

Hey Guys,

My good friend Raghu (An awesome photographer by hobby (not profession :)) has capture his daughter jigging to Swarathma.....

A really-really cute video- Must watch I say!!!!

Rohit Nambiar said...

Thanks buddy. I went to your blog. Quite impressive. You seem to be a hard core blogger!!!

Rohit Nambiar said...

Hey Guys,

My good friend Raghu (An awesome photographer by hobby (not profession :)) has captured his daughter jigging to Swarathma.....

A really-really cute video- Must watch I say!!!!

Krithika Chandrashekar said...

Nice one Roh! Very well written!

Rohit Nambiar

Rohit Nambiar
My Blog is termed "Expressions-In Sync" and is aimed at providing readers with information, insight and fun on topics ranging from Economics to Insurance, Politics to Social issues and from kiddie stories to sports!

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