Expressions-In Sync

15 yrs in AXA... Aah!! What a ride...

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I completed 15 yrs in AXA today... I joined AXA on crutches literally. I had a football injury (ACL tear) and was on crutches for over a month back then.

My 1st Manager (Kshama Pai) used to get me tea sometimes so that I dont walk around.. In a lot of ways - that is AXA for me...  family!!!

From Dec 1, 2003 to today, it has been a thoroughly challenging and enjoyable ride... AXA gave me a lot and I would like to believe I gave a bit back as well... I thought I will talk about 4 factors that I believe have played a role in my career advancement from an Analyst in 2003! I still have a long way to go...

1. "Putting myself out there" - I have never feared the consequences of trying, innovating and expressing my opinion. I have worked in 5 countries and 11 over diverse roles in my 15 yrs!!! Many a times I took up roles where I was in the unknown zone... One such experience was to work in the Regional M&A team. I always say it was the best and worst 3 yrs of my life. I killed myself at work, but learnt more than ever before...

2. Failed many a times - I dont remember a year in AXA where I havent had something go wrong, sometimes more wrong than other times. And it is emotionally draining.

I took 2 things back at that times - I will never die wondering what if and I always wake up from the incident, reflect and get even better... Reflecting and making changes have been my strength

3. People and my Managers - I have been lucky to work with some of the finest Managers. I have always been flexible to different styles.. 3 of them come to my mind - Francois, Benoit and Emmanuel!!! Hmmm must be something between the French and me ;) Wonder if its the Pondicherry connection... They have taught me the value of empowerment, sustainable culture and people development.

Many a times they threw me into the sea. But also gave me a compass and checked in regularly. My Coaches and mentors (Laurent Marvy) always challenged me and never let me rest on my laurels

On the people side, ensure you are surrounded by people who are better than you. That will push you to be better.

4. Had fun@work - Never was there a time at work when I didnt look for an opportunity to party and engage with people.

For instance - I practice a daily ritual of walking around office twice a day when I am around. This helps me meet, know and learn from a wide array of people...

In summary, all I would tell young people with my limited experience (a long long way to go for me as well)

1. Be bold and take risks - High risk/high reward (integrity is a given) - At some point in our lives, we will be staring at being fired!! Else, you havent pushed the boundary

2. Take up challenges and be ready to be the change you want to see

3. Money will follow. Focus on the role (I have selected roles many a times based on what it will do to me 5 yrs later and not based on whether it pays me a few hundreds more today)

4. Attitude wins over aptitude. Remember no project or achievement will be remembered 3 or 5 yrs from now. The only thing you leave back is your impression on people...

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Rohit Nambiar

Rohit Nambiar
My Blog is termed "Expressions-In Sync" and is aimed at providing readers with information, insight and fun on topics ranging from Economics to Insurance, Politics to Social issues and from kiddie stories to sports!

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